Monthly Branch Meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month at 1000hrs. No meeting in January. June meeting is the second Sunday. Morning tea to follow.

Monthly Member’s Birthday Bash morning tea is held on the third Tuesday of the month at 1000hrs.

Pine Rivers Branch Birthday 6th April: This year the Branch celebrated its 23rd Anniversary.

548/549 Squadron Memorial Service to be held on Saturday 20th of April in memory of two RAF Spitfire pilots killed in a mid-air collision over Young’s Crossing, Petrie 19 April 1944 and all Airmen and Women who sacrificed their lives for our country.

ANZAC Day & Vietnam Veterans Day, are held in conjunction with other existing service organisations in our immediate area.

Bomber Command Memorial Service at Amberley Air Force Base on the first Sunday of June: The Branch will visit this Service. (Meeting-12th June)

International Air Cadet Exchange visit normally occurs on the fourth Monday of July. A typical Aussie BBQ marks the occasion. Unfortunately due to COVID these visits have been cancelled. Watch for further information.

Remembrance Day Service 11th November call to order at 10.30am at Tarakan House. Smoko to follow.

Contact; Secretary on or mob. 0435 862 995

New Members Welcome!